Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Free Pass

**warning, parts of this post were pulled completely out of my distrusting mind...but the immunity part is 100% true.  The rest is speculative. (except the HOV lane use, that's a real story)

Did you know that your state legislators have immunity (at least for traffic violations) on their way to legislative sessions?  Apparently, if you have a state legislator card you can do whatever the hell you want on the road while you are on your way to a session!

No turn on red light?  Go for it!  Sure, there may be a blind curve, and sure somebody may be barrelling towards you at 65 in a 45 zone, but go for it! You can't be cited.

No stopping zone?  So what.  You need to pee, and you need to pee now.  Go ahead, stop wherever you want and take a whiz, you can't be cited.

Red light?  Why should you stop?  Nobody else does.

Car Pool lane?  No blow up doll required.  So long as you have your legislater card handy, you can roll down your window, flash your special permission slip, and yell at the cops that you're a legislator!!!! Go ahead do as you like, common courtesy, and regard for the average citizen is underated anyways.  Plow ahead my boy, plow ahead.  That lane is yours to do with as you please.  If you'd like, we can hire Kramer roadside maintenance to travel just ahead of you and widen those lanes too if it would make your travel time more comfortable.

But here's the only works if your on you way TOO the legislative session.  Not on the way home. 

Now, I've heard of "emergency" sessions, and to be honest, I figured that those were perhaps scheduled at the last minute, and perhaps a few people had to cancel fishing trips or golf outings to be there, but I had no idea that these things were an emergency of such force as to be necessary to give immunity to all who would travel the open road to get there.  Then again, I wonder how many of these guys actually drive their own cars.  I'm sure if they can get the state to hire a plane or a limo to get them to their budgeting committee at supersonic speed, they'd prefer that.  I mean, afterall, if the budget is in crisis, its uber important to get there no matter the cost, right? 


Jillene said...

Uuuummmm....really?! That is INSANE!!

Kristina P. said...

Nice. How do I get that job?

Unknown said...

I had to stop by and say that I love your header! Where did you get that?

Jessie Geroux said...

yeah um if they were actually at the freaking capitol during the week WORKING they prob wouldn't need to use that special pass. I just blogged about some of them galavanting all over the dang US in the middle of the week and posting it all over facebook and twitter for us AZ tax payers to see what a hard job they have sitting listening to music in memphis and logging a whopping 45 minutes in session..its ridiculous they ALL need to be replaced ALL of them

Lara Neves said...

So stupid. Who thinks these things are good ideas?

~ Straight Shooter ~ said...

I have a natural loathing for politicians...

Heatherlyn said...

I thought our legislature people were immune from everything. Don't they get like free health insurance for life? Or is that just a rumor?

tiburon said...