Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Please wait while I process that request

Yesterday I learned some news about some friends of ours from our days in 29palms. It initially devastated me, then as I learned more about it, I realized that the family is doing pretty well, and that they are being taken care of, so devastation is not the appropriate response. I feel sad because I lost touch with the wife when we moved away, she was a good friend. I feel like a cheater because we played the game, got out before the fire got too hot, and left in one peice. I feel conflicted about that because I certainly don't want my husband enduring what this man is enduring.

I guess it boils down to each of us having a different role to play here on this earth. The challenges, the gifts, the opportunities, they aren't supposed to be the same for each of us. I know I shouldn't feel guilty. They followed their path, we followed ours. But it still sucks to know that we have it so easy when other's have it so hard. Or is it ...Its still good to know that we have it so easy when other's have it so hard. I can't figure it out. I think I'm overreacting, or maybe I'm not reacting enough.

Maybe its so hard to process because I never imagined this life for them. I imagined them living the same life the rest of us are living and I'm shocked. But I shouldn't be. Afterall, he doesn't seem to be too shocked.


Unknown said...

It is so strange to watch some people who's lives can be one blow after another, isn't it?

Maybe contact with your old friend would bring some comfort....

Lara Neves said...

Wow. I would be devastated in your position, too. I have a really difficult time hearing about such things from people I was close to, especially if it could have happened to us.

He does have a good attitude about it, and that's very impressive.

Kristina P. said...

He sounds like an amazing young man. Maybe sending a card would be a nice thing to do.

Heatherlyn said...

Your post is interesting. It's all about perspective. Some things in life are really good for each of us and some things are trials for each of us. No one just gets off easy. :)

tammy said...

My sister lost her husband in Iraq, leaving four little kids at home. I never ever imagined that would happen to them. It's something that you always feel terrible about, but that you never think will hit close.