Friday, March 27, 2009

vicious cycle

I know money can't buy happiness, but a sufficient amount to meet a family's needs certainly seems to be able to remove quite a bit of stress. In June, Jp and I will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. This past year has been the first time we've really had sufficient money for our needs and a small (very small) surplus that has enabled us to do some of the things we have missed out on- like dating!
Ironically, our time together has actually been diminished. Jp works nights, and therefore requires daytime to rest. He asked me to please considering taking a job outside of the home, in order to a: help with the finances, and b: leave the house quiet everyday so he can rest. Sometimes I feel bitter about working outside the home. I loved being at home with the children, having playdates at the park with buddies, doing all the stuff that mom's who stay home get to do. But I'm also really enjoying having peace of mind about financial obligations, and not always feeling like I have no right to spend 10 dollars if I want to. But if Jp's schedule changed and he worked normal hours like the rest of the world, I would probably be begging to just stay home. But it would mean giving up some of the things we are now enjoying that we've missed out on during the first 5+ years of marriage. Its all a vicious cycle. I guess for now i'll be grateful that I have just about the perfect job. I can bring my children with me when necessary, I can ask for as much time off as I need, occassionally I get to be creative while helping customers put together different looks for their home. I get to meet new people, and learn new things. And beyond that, I get Friday Night Date Night, and that has been GREAT! I'm actually not so sure I would give up my job if I knew it would mean giving up our date-nights, they have become that important.


Anonymous said...

Well, that all sounds pretty good to me. The best of all worlds going on over there. :)

Liz McMunn said...

So hard to balance everything! Aie, I hope it all works out (& I liked your blog!) :)

Chef Tess said...

There's no one perfect way to be a good mom. I think all too often I am the one putting the most stress on myself...though there are occasional outside sources. My mom worked every day for most of my growing up years out of necessity. It saved her sanity. Her income put food on the table. Move forward and keep smiling. It's all good! I for one, love you just because you are Lisa! There you go!

Heatherlyn said...

You know, if this works well for you now, I have to believe that whatever changes you end up making in the future will work for you then. Life is very interesting and unpredictable!