You know those end-of-winter blahs? The ones that make you head into "spring cleaning" early and make you yearn for color and excitement? The one's that make you want to look out the window, hear a little bird chirp, spy the first blade of green grass popping through the snow?
Well, since we're in Arizona now, we're not dealing with that specific set of yearnings, but I was finding myself yearning for something new and different around the windows. Its the time of year when we open them up and let some fresh air in the house, enjoy the view of the next door neighbor's electric meter, and enjoy the low hum of the neighbor tuning up his quad. What with all that scenery and ambience, I really felt it was time for some new window coverings and accoutrements. Just a little something to brighten my day, you know?
So, I was having difficulty deciding between something fresh and modern with a crisp graphic look, and something more traditional.
These are the pictures of some of the ideas I had

I really loved the cream color, the light airy feel of the glass lamp, the little figurine, etc. I wasn't too sure about the mirrored table. In theory I love it, but in practice, not quite sure it would fit in my home without redoing the whole house.

This set up felt like me all over. I loved the earthy, organic colors, the simple clean lines, the no-fuss casual feel.
I almost placed a poll on the blog to let you all vote on what you liked best, but then I went ahead and just decided.
Here is what I went with.

I almost placed a poll on the blog to let you all vote on what you liked best, but then I went ahead and just decided.
Here is what I went with.
Don't you adore the cheap white blinds combined with black aluminum?
Lets pretend its lovely, shall we?
p.s. the remodel here was adding this lovely behemoth to our front room (it wouldn't fit through the doorways to get it into a back-room). It is right next to the computer though, so it haunts me, which can only be a good thing. right?
Yeah, I have those VERY SAME DREAMS. Ah well.
Bwwwwwhahahahaha!! I would have done the EXACT same thing!!
You had me going, I was about to go on and on about how I only know you in blog land, but from what I know, you are NOT the fring-y, beige-y, long drape-y kind of girl.
I can deal with he cheap white blinds. (Not to say that you're cheap or white, although I am guessing you're white...this comment has gone all wrong...I'm out.)
Part of spring-induced change at our house included bringing the treadmill in from the garage. Ours DID fit into the back room, where it's more out-of-sight-out-of-mind than yours, but paired with aluminum blinds for a similar look.
Did Better Homes & Gardens call you yet?
Me neither.
Awesome! And for the record, the first picture looks a bit stuffy.
This is why I love Ikea. Cheap crap.
Oh, I like the tassels in the first picture on the top curtain thingy (see how much I know about curtains). And that surprises me, because tassels are so uncool, right? (But cute in that arrangement.) Hey, I have several windows in my house that need blinds. And if you use the exercise thing, it is in the right place!
The black and white is crisp and clean. I do love that second blind though.
I would love to have double hung windows with the white dividers. Instead I have uninteresting windows with broken seals and water stains.
BLack and white is all the rage. Your front room looks mah-velous dah-link!
I like the second one, but I also really like what you ended up with. Always good to have a giant exercise machine over the computer telling you to get with the program. That is why I exercise at my mom's house. She has a giant treadmill and an elliptical right next to the computer, and I can't take the guilt for very long. :)
Isn't Spring frustrating. There's such a great urge we women get to improve our homes, our bodies, anything we have power over. Let's hope the frustration brings progress.
See, now I have the cheap white blinds throughout my house...who knew that all I needed is some black aluminum to complete the look! Thanks Lisa :)
Fabulous work, dah-ling! I would just stick an 8x10 of some hottie on the wall there for inspiration and go!
Wow. We have the same aesthetic. Freaky.
Perfect! The only room in my house that looks like I tried to put it together is the living room - and that's only because it's the room that everyone comes to when they visit my home. The kids aren't allowed to enter and so it stays smudge free. Don't ask about the rest of the house, though...
I think the contrast is striking.
Well done.
I have a very similar look going in a corner of my bedroom...
You are a real trickster bloggy friend!
I was hook, line and sinker!
Although, it is always a relief to find out other fams have excercise equipment in odd places too.
Enjoy your weekend!
What you need is a treadmill make over. If you want, I can send my boys out, and they can plaster the aluminum with Lightning MC Queen stickers that are next to impossible to get off, and when you do get them off, they take some paint with them. ---It's just an idea, but I saw Martha do something similar with decoupage and a vintage plate, so I think I'm on the right track.
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