Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lessons in Creative Parenting

Recently, because of a change in my work schedule, my husband has found himself being somewhat of a "house-husband". (He works a very manly job at night, but since I'm gone every afternoon, and he's awake, the kids come home to him) He recently told me this story about a problem that occurred and the solution he came up with.

Apparently, Gabe thought it would be dang hilarious to make farting noises during the dinner prayer. (I don't remember not being home for dinner, but ok.) Obviously that was inappropriate, and disturbed the atmosphere of reverence that normally surrounds that dinner prayer. Ok, that might be stretching it a bit, but it was definitely inappapropriate. So, in attempts to combat future scatalogical interruptions to the evening liturgy, JP required Gabe to make the afore mentioned sound at least one time before every bite he took of his dinner. It is reported that after approximately 3 bites, it was no longer fun and Gabe, nearly in tears, begged to not have to make the sound anymore and to be able to just eat his dinner.

I have to say, if I had been present, I probably would have A: laughed at the noise, and B: told him not to do that again, and then just ignored it. However, my way probably would not have been very effective, and almost certainly would have resulted in an entire evening meal full of musical interludes. And so...hats off to JP for creative parenting!


Kristina P. said...

That is SO funny! I love that method. You make someone do something over and over again, until they get sick of it.

Except, don't try to shove your kid's mouth with cigarettes, and make him smoke one after another, or else DCFS will show up to your house. Friendly tip of the day!

Unknown said...

I always admire when parents get really creative and stick to something- but that sounds like it took so much energy during dinner- ey eye eye, that is where I lack!

Plus, in my house my hubby would probably be making the noises (and they wouldn't be fake ones)

Jillene said...

Uuuummmm....Ramona hit the nail on the head!! My hubby would be making noises right along with my child--real and fake!! Hahahaha!!

I think his idea was GREAT and I will have to be trying it!!

Hahahaha Kristina!! Love your friendly tip of the day!!

*MARY* said...

You've married a genius.

Goob said...

Mary, I may have to delete your comment to prevent any possibilities of annoying dances accompanied by songs that go something like "he heee you're imaginary friends think I'm a genius"

Anonymous said...

Oh no, we're not imaginary, are we? At least I'm your REAL cousin! ;-)

Perfect solution. And in my mind, a big testimony to the value of both a mom AND a dad in the home. I would have glared my " angry mommy glare" and ranted (probably for WAY too long) about the importance of reverence.

Hats off, JP.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I like writing in CAPITALS today.

csvan said...

My brother spit on the playground once & was required to spend the rest of recess filling a paper cup w/ spit. It was an effective way to curb that habit. He never did it again!

csvan said...

WE just moved here a month ago, but we like it so far! Though if you're not a fan of "Anne of Green Gables" you're in trouble!

Erin said...

I never would have thought of that! How do husbands sometimes come up with the bright ideas? Oh yeah, because we moms are way too tired doing everything else around the house.

Anonymous said...

With all the males in my house hold it's a rare thing NOT to hear the fart noises! HELP!!!!

~ Straight Shooter ~ said...

LOVE it.
Perfect for our 9 yo male residence!
Thank you for the parenting tip my lady!
P.S. The two littl Crumb Snatchers below are the cutest!!!